Thursday, February 24, 2011

Do these shoes make me look old?

For a couple of reasons, I found myself in a Vans Outlet store yesterday for the first time in about 20 years. First, I have a daddy-daughter dance on Friday night, which has an 80's theme. I've always gone all out on dressing up for these events, which have included Disco and Roaring 20s in the last 2 years.

Secondly, on Saturday night our church youth dance, which I’ll be chaparoning, also has an 80's theme.

Being one to take my costuming very seriously, I set out to find a good 80’s outfit. On Saturday I found a killer Members Only jacket right next a nice pink Izod golf shirt, complete with collars that flip up perfectly. I'm still looking for a good pair of acid wash jeans, but have a couple of leads for places to look.

Not having any shoes to match the rest of the outfit, I thought that a nice pair of Classic Vans would go nicely. I picked out some black Classics to buy.
One thing to realize here is that I wore this same exact pair of shoes for about 3 straight years in junior high and high school. I was raised in the glory days of skating (boards, not rollers); well before Shawn White was even born and even back when Tony Hawk was still cool and still alive. And while I stunk on a skate board, I still rode. Everybody did. And nearly everybody wore Vans. After all, this was California in the 80s. If you didn’t wear Vans and sport a Flock of Seagulls hairdo, you may as well hitch your pants up to your chest and don a pocket protector.

As I was at the checkstand, the 20ish year old worker commented, "Nice! Going with a throwback pair. Did you wear these when you were a kid? Did you used to skate as well?"

I answered "Yes" to both questions and left the store to head back to work. As I was walking across the parking lot, it dawned on me what had just happened. He had just called me old. I had decided to pick up a pair of Vans, and the kid worker assumes that I wore them when they first came out and that I no longer skate, and only did so 20 years ago?

I was deeply, deeply offended, despite everything that he implied being true. Did I really look that ancient? Am I so old that I can no longer pull off wearing a pair of Vans and pegging my jeans without someone questioning my motives?

Is this my mid-life crisis purchase? If so, sweet. Its a lot cheaper than a corvette.

1 comment:

  1. Too bad we don't live closer. Spencer has three pairs of vans all in bright colors. Pants that go in at the bottoms and sweatshirts in bright colors with geometric paterns. It weird how thing come back around.
