Monday, December 20, 2010

Enter the blogosphere

Due mainly to the fact that I haven't written in my journal for more than 9 years and under heavy pressure from my wife who is looking for productive ways for me to channel some of my creative energies, I've decided to start a blog. What this blog is going to contain is still a mystery to me. But being inspired by my 8th grade English teacher, Mrs. McLelland, I'm going to give it a shot. You see, Mrs. McLelland threatened to hunt me down and maim me if I didn't somehow find a way to write professionally as an adult. And while I am not nearly ambitious or talented enough to attempt to write professionally, I suppose that I will have to settle for being a recreational writer. I’ve always enjoyed writing. The idea formation, articulation and presentation has always been very therapeutic to me. And reading the finished product is often very satisfying.

So my plan is to, first, archive some old pieces that I've written over the past several years, and then to include other entries as I spend time working on them. I foresee this being anything from personal musings on life in general, to sharing funny and memorable family life anecdotes, as well as reports from various outings and sporting events. I am also occasionally asked to speak at church or teach a lesson. I enjoy preparing for these presentations. However, I also consider myself a fairly poor spontaneous public speaker. As a result I typically write down each talk or lesson, word-for-word, as part of my preparation.

So Mrs. McLelland, if you happen to do like most other curious Americans, that is, google your own name and stumble upon this blog, please know that the author didn’t purposely dangle those participles or incorrectly conjugate those verbs. Any errors are my own and should not be taken as a reflection of your outstanding teaching methods from the 1986 school year at Grange Junior High. Go Grizzlies! Grrrrr.

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